Testimonies of survivors of Ritual Abuse
Since the 1980s, therapists have been working with patients who report extreme experiences of violence in the context of occult structures.
Over the years, the voices of ritual abuse survivors became more numerous and louder. Likewise, therapists began to network, organize professional conferences, and write professional books. Finally, the public began to take notice of this phenomenon. Read more ↗
Typical experiences include: Sexual abuse, child prostitution and child pornography, torture, snuff film productions, participation in ritual acts including human sacrifice, cannibalism, and highly complex methods of mind splitting and conditioning (“mind control”). Victims are born into family structures that have practiced Satanism or similar occult beliefs for generations, or they are sold into these perpetrator circles as children. This specific form of organized crime has been called ritual abuse by therapists.
– Dedicated to Katy Groves, whose voice has been silenced but will be heard louder than ever –
50 survivors
All videos with subtitles and transcript. Traduction en français, Traducción al español, Русский перевод, Български превод, Nederlandse vertaling
- ErikaErika experienced ritual abuse in Switzerland between the ages of 0 and 14. She was present when a boy’s heart was cut out while he was still alive. To free themselves from ritual abuse and come to terms with their experiences, she advises those affected to seek help. Her plea to society is: “Stop supporting ritual abuse!”
- NinaNina (56) experienced ritual abuse in Switzerland from the age of one. She witnessed flayings and saw underground silos where the victims of ritual abuse were dissolved in acid. She says: “The perpetrators are well connected and are active in very different activities in normal life.”
- Jeanette ArcherJeannette Archer (56) experienced ritual abuse in London, Prague, Spain and the Netherlands from 0 to 22. She says she was born into a satanic bloodline: «From birth, I was prepared to endure rituals.»
- Survivor from FrankfurtA 30-year-old woman from the Rhine-Main area was a victim of ritual abuse in Germany between the ages of 2 and 11 and 25 and 26. She says: «I was trained in witchcraft and black magic so that I could kill with the power of my mind.»
- PhillippaPhillippa (65) experienced ritual abuse from 0 to 16 in New Zealand (Christchurch, Wellington, Dunedin). She says: «I was forced to drink sacrificial blood and eat cooked meat.»
- Elisabeth SchäferElisabeth Schäfer (65) experienced ritual abuse at the age of 11 in Hesse (Germany). She was accidentally caught up in an ongoing ritual and had to witness the mutilation of a newborn and ultimately kill the baby.